IMIS2D study

A  clinical study for people with atopic dermatitis and chronic spontaneous/cholinergic urticaria providing patients with:

– Answers to why their bodies produce the symptoms

Individual disease profile

Recommendations for the best therapeutical approach to bring the biggest possible relief of your symptoms

IntegraSkin partnered with Charité and invite you to take part in a clinical study. IMIS2D study is working with artificial intelligence and using detailed molecular analysis. This investigation technology and test results are worth 5 000 €. Due to this partnership you can access it for free.

This is the most personalized approach to your disease giving the best therapeutical results on the market.

In order to be able to tell your personal illness mechanism, we will need your skin and blood samples. 

Having this we will investigate:

– Skin’s spatial transcriptomics (up to 20 000 Molecular markers)
– Skin proteomics (up to 10 000 Proteins)
– Blood soluble factors (up to 20 Cytokines)

It only takes one visit to Charité (Berlin, Germany)

During this visit we will take your skin and blood samples.

Up to 5 months until you receive the results

We will be able to explain to you and your dermatologist the results of the investigation

Personalised therapy suggestions

You will know what is happening in your individual body and how can you control the symptoms in the most efficient way

Our in detail analysed results will help you to find the therapeutic solution that is most likely to improve your skin condition and you will get 225 eur. compensation for your time.

Want to take part in the study and find out more? 


Contact us at We will answer all your questions and help you to control your skin condition