Investigational KI-DERM packages

To find out the best package for you please complete our

Package Assessing Survey

Our Approach

At IntegraSkin we believe, that each person is unique and complex. Every patient brings not only a individual genetic heritage, but is also affected by many outside factors. This has a great influence on how our bodies react to the triggers we face. As a result, individual mechanisms of the disease are created. Although the symptoms may be similar from one person to the other, the solutions to control each condition may differ tremendously. We aspire to provide each person a personalised healthcare, that takes into consideration not only the skin lesions but all the factors having an impact on one’s body.

Our Approach

IntegraSkin team has prepared different investigational packages in our product, KI-DERM, that let us from a sample of your skin and blood draw a map of your individual immunological mechanisms that are responsible for your disease as well as predict the optimal treatment.

Each package is followed by an explanatory report for your dermatologist and you powered by our real-time monitoring app ISK-Digital. This will enable you to be more involved in your healthcare related decisions as well as provide you with a guidance towards the most beneficial therapeutic opportunities for you.


If you do not know which package would be the most beneficial for you, please fill out the form and we will contact you to schedule a consultation with our specialists. According to your goals and current health state we will suggest you the most appropriate investigation program.

NOTE: if you agree to let us use your data for the research you can get up to 30% discount from your chosen package.